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available list

What is the Available List?
The Available List is a list maintained by the Guild of active members who are rostered and available to work for union signatory employers. When a signatory employer needs to fill a vacancy, they'll often request access to the Guild's Available List, where they can see all the qualified members by classification or skill and are currently available for work.



How do I put myself on the Available List?
To put yourself on the Available List, follow the instructions below:





Log in to your Profile.




Once you log in, you'll be taken to a screen that shows your profile, with yellow lettering stating "I'm currently working" and the word "Edit" right next to it. 


Click "Edit". You'll be taken to a pop-up screen that allows you to select several options, including "I'm available for work" or "I'm available for work immediately". 

Select the start date for when you're available, or select "I'm available for work immediately". 

Once you confirm your availability dates, click "Submit". You'll be taken back to your original profile screen, but now your availability should show up, like this:

Now that you're on the available list, please make sure your contact information is up to date.  

You can scroll down the page and find a place to upload your resume, add your skills (including language proficiencies), and much more.

If you add Editor or other crew, and they are members of the Guild, they will show in your Search My Network" with a link to their contact information. This can help familiarize you to prospective employees by broadening your network connections.

Having a complete profile is helpful so that employers have more information on you when they're looking to fill a vacancy. Employers who request access to the Available List can see your profiles.

Do I really need to put myself on the Available List?
YES! Please update your availability as necessary. Depending on the contract, if there's only a small handful of members on the Available List, employers have limited options for hiring and may be able to hire a non-rostered member. If you're looking for Union work, put yourself on the list!

Likewise, if you're no longer available for work, take yourself off the list. Employers need accurate information when accessing the list.
How long does my availability last?
Two weeks. The site will send you a reminder to update your availability if you need to once your initial availability period ends.
What if I still have questions?
Please direct questions to