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Inter-Guild Women Networking Event

New York

Address: Light Iron - 580 Broadway, New York, NY 10012


Join us for a special event to connect fellow women in the PGA, DGA, WGA East, Editors Guild and the Cinematographers Guild working in film & TV production in New York City. This event will create the opportunity for female producers, writers, directors, editors and DP’s to meet each other face to face and develop new relationships to reflect the diversity of our values and stories.

Women need to meet more working women in order to hire them on productions and raise the number of women working behind the scenes in our industry. Connecting our guilds gives us power to make progress more quickly, and doing so over great food, drink and networking will make for an impactful and enjoyable evening.

Please note: This invite is for all women in MPEG.


  • RSVP above
  • Please cancel your reservation at least 24 hours prior to the event
  • Present photo ID to gain admittance to all events

If you don't have a login, please call 212-302-0700 EXT 205 to RSVP

Contact: Jennifer Madar
Phone: 212-302-0700 EXT 204