Emily Churchill, EA is an Enrolled Agent with the IRS. She has been doing taxes for over 14 tax seasons. She specializes in the entertainment industry and has worked with clients throughout the country. She is also a working actor/writer/producer in the entertainment industry with over 20 years of experience. Her expertise in both the entertainment industry and tax preparation has helped many fellow artists understand their own unique tax situations
To be discussed:
Basics of Taxation
- Standardized Deductions vs Itemized deductions
- Claiming exemptions
- Employee Income W-2 vs Independent Contractor Income 1099s
- Expenses Artists can take
- How to keep track of your expenses throughout the year
- Making quarterly payments
- Checking to see if you have enough withheld on your W-2
- Q&A following presentation.
***Please note, this workshop is for Educational Purposes only! Each person's tax needs are unique to them and they should consult with a tax professional or legal advisor on their specific needs.***