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Committees help to create new ideas and mechanisms to ensure the union continues to represent its members’ interests as new issues arise. Working collaboratively with members representing all crafts, the committees help to bring about meaningful change to benefit the membership nationwide.

In addition to the committees below, if you’re interested in getting involved in volunteer efforts that you can do on your own, check out the Volunteer efforts.

If you would like to take on a bigger role in shaping the future of the Guild, our democratically-elected Board of Directors is the union’s policy-making body; check out our Board of DirectorsGoverning the Guild and Guild Elections pages for more information on how it operates and how to run.



Apprenticeship & Growth Committee

The Apprenticeship & Growth Committee is exploring ways to revitalize the editorial apprentice classification so the job remains relevant in the digital age.


• Aziza Ngozi, Jerry W. Ross


• Natalie A. Boschan, Hector L. Cartagena Jr, Annie J. Cohen, Frank A. Delgado Jr, Tom Fleischman, Haruka Gerald, Sharon Smith Holley, Rick Ives Jr, Joshua B. Kirchmer, Sean Linal, Shiran C. Miller, Carrie Puchkoff, Austin Scott, Gavin Segall-Abrams, Esther P. Sokolow, Sean Thompson, Joey M. Winterbotham, kathryn Wood, Dora Wu


• Bo B. Hillers, Jessica Pratt

This committee is not currently accepting new members.

Archive & History Committee

The Archive & History Committee coordinates the Guild's historical photograph library and oversees the implementation of an audio-visual library of interviews and pertinent entertainment and union-related footage. Read about some of the committee's accomplishments at CineMontage: The Splice of Life


• Sharon Smith Holley, Stephen Rivkin


• Dennis E. Alaniz, Erik C. Andersen, Pablo Barbieri Carrera Sr, Shawn J. Broes, Joseph Carroll, Brian J. Chandler, Emma M. DuPell, Tom Fleischman, Halima K. Gilliam, Michael Jones, Greg J. Molinaro, Alyson Dee Moore, Harry L. Oxnard


• Emma Tse

Committee for Creative Recognition

The Committee for Creative Recognition supports the efforts of the American Cinema Editors and the Motion Picture Editors Guild to recognize the category of Film Editing in Awards Festivals and Critics Organizations.


• Stephen Rivkin


• John Axelrad, Louis J. Bertini, Dody J. Dorn, Paul Overacker, Jeremy D. Weinstein


• Lisa S. Dosch

This committee is not currently accepting new members.

Constitution & Bylaws Committee

The Constitution & By Laws Committee meets on an as-needed basis to discuss the application of existing language and recommends changes, if necessary, to the Board. All Constitutional changes must first be approved by the IATSE, and then the Local 700 membership.


• Bill Elias


• Frank A. Delgado Jr, Sean Thompson


• Lisa S. Dosch

This committee is not currently accepting new members.

Credit & Arbitration Committee

The Credit & Arbitration committee meets on an as-needed basis when a screen credit dispute arises. If multiple editors are employed on the same project and an agreement cannot be reached as to who should be afforded screen credit, the panel reviews the different versions of the project and makes a determination.


• Michael L. Tronick, Sidney Wolinsky


• To be determined prior to arbitration


• Lisa S. Dosch

This committee is not currently accepting new members.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

The DEI Committee celebrates the Guild’s diverse membership, fostering a culture that is welcoming, equitable and respectful and ensures the inclusion and collaboration of all members.


• Lillian Benson, Maysie Hoy


• Adriana Dietl, Harolena Tiffany Kai Gaines

This committee is not currently accepting new members.

DEI Committee: African American Steering Committee (AASC)


• Bobbi Banks, Jacques Gravett


• Shannon Baker Davis, Jesse Dodd, Anedra N. Edwards, Wellington T. Harrison, Aimee A. Jennings, Michael Jones, Aric C. Lewis, Sean Linal, Charles E. Little II II, Martha Y. Lowe, Kat E. McAuley, Leander Sales, Terilyn A. Shropshire, James D. Wilcox

DEI Committee: Disability and Accessibility Steering Committee (DASC)


• Ashley N. McKinney


• David C. Cook, Bill Elias, Giselle E. Murillo, Jonathan D. Posell, Joell Posey, Gavin Segall-Abrams, Sharidan Sotelo

DEI Committee: Latin Steering Committee (LSC)


• Andrea L. Espinoza, Sabrina A. Gimenez


• Pablo Barbieri Carrera Sr, Waldemar G. Centeno, Aaron M. Garcia, Diandra K. Luzon, Carolina C. Matamoros , Andrea V. Nieto, Alexa S. Vallejo, Priscilla Zambrano

DEI Committee: LGBTQIA+ Steering Committee


• Katie R. Cornblath, Nicole A. Fletcher


• Jocelyn M. Barkenhagen, Samuel James Bellamy, Mary E. De Chambres, Scott Gamzon, Jacquelyn M. Le, Diandra K. Luzon, Gracie H. Straus, Charlize M. Toratani, Erik M. Vogt-Nilsen, Priscilla Zambrano, Corey B. Ziemniak

This committee is not currently accepting new members.

DEI Committee: Mentorship Steering Committee


• Michael Jones, Evita Yuepu Zhou

This committee is not currently accepting new members.

DEI Committee: Pan Pacific & Asian Steering Committee (PPASC)


• Tricia C. Rodrigo, Karoliina M. Tuovinen


• Carmen Hu Almagor, Dinara Aprymova, Claire Breed, Denise K. Chan, Ryan Chan, Alison J. Chang, Sushant Chaudhary, Edward Chin, Carmen Chung, Clarence Deng, Julian L. Doan, Joy Fu, Sharon Smith Holley, Peter Lam, Matthew Latham, Andy M. Lee, Christine J. Lee, Thien D. Nguyen, Vivian D. Nguyen, Michelle P. Rueda, Charles W. Shin, Sharidan Sotelo, Yu-Ting Su, Ian S. Tan, Jun H. Umeda, Dora Wu, Jonathan Yang, Shay Yang, Diana "D" Yip, Ting Yu, Ge Zhai Wagner, Evita Yuepu Zhou, Jingxi Zhu

This committee is not currently accepting new members.

DEI Committee: Women's Steering Committee (WSC)


• Diana N. Fishman, Aimee A. Jennings


• Julie Antepli, Lindsay A. Armstrong, Bobbi Banks, Elizabeth A. Cirillo, Jenny Cook, Annette J. Davey, Joanie Diener, Lucy J. Donaldson, Amy E. Duddleston, Stephanie E. Earley, Olivia R. Eliseo, Joy Fu, Debby Germino, Halima K. Gilliam, Julia A. Grove, Dorian Harris, Christine Haslett, Sharon Smith Holley, Jacquelyn M. Le, Jennifer M. Nash, Tricia C. Rodrigo, Kelly E. Soll, Danielle Lauren Statuto, Karoliina M. Tuovinen, Maureen Tzudiker, Robin M. Whitaker, Bari L. Winter, Dora Wu, Sarah Zeitlin

This committee is not currently accepting new members.

Emerging Technology Committee

The Emerging Technology Committee is tasked with keeping apprised of the advances with artificial intelligence and other new technologies, and advising the Board and National Executive Director of developments that could impact our members’ work.


• Harry B. Miller III, Asher L. Pink


• John M. Baldino, David C. Cook, Daniel C. Earley, Brent Findley, Lora Hirschberg, Scott A. Jacobs, Matt L. Klimek, Spencer G. Koobatian, Sofi A. Marshall, Dylan P. Neely, Nick A. Norton, Erin M. Rettig, Alegre S. Rodriquez, Andrew Timm, Karol A. Urban, Danny J. Walker, Justin W. Yates


• Muneeb Hassan, Jim Turner

This committee is not currently accepting new members.

Fellowship & Service Award Committee

The Fellowship and Service Award Committee recommends and vets prospective recipients for the prestigious Motion Picture Editors Guild Fellowship and Service Award. You can view past recipients here.


• Sharon Smith Holley, Alyson Dee Moore


• Lisa Zeno Churgin, Rachel B. Igel, Sean Linal, Thien D. Nguyen, Paul Overacker, Holly Sklar


• Adriana Dietl

Finance & Audit Committee

The Finance and Audit Committee reviews the annual financial audit in advance of the Board, and meets on an as needed basis throughout the year.


• Rachel B. Igel, F Hudson Miller


• Lisa Zeno Churgin, Frank A. Delgado Jr, Aziza Ngozi, Carrie Puchkoff, Kevin D. Ross, Sean Thompson


• Luis Cardet

This committee is not currently accepting new members.

Membership Outreach: East

The MOC: Eastern Region Committee seeks to identify and cultivate union-minded leaders who can assist in improving overall communication with the eastern region membership through social and educational events, social media campaigns and one-on-one personal connections. In addition, all members participate in the Membership Outreach Committee addressing the needs of the membership nationwide.


• Meg A. Reticker, Mae Rose Sussman


• Louis J. Bertini, Tamar Bihari, Kate Brokaw, Edward Chin, Steve Flack, Joe M. Giganti, Mollie Goldstein, Sharon Smith Holley, Rick Ives Jr, Marian Jimenez, Grace B. Kline, Ivonne M. Loyola, Eric Mc Allister, Blake A. Pruitt, Carrie Puchkoff, David Rogow, Nia A. Rose, Alec R. Styborski, Inga M. Tapias, Rex M. Teese, Andrew Timm, Alan H. Wertz, Kevin D. Wilson


• Sandy Fong-Ging, Muneeb Hassan

Membership Outreach: West

The MOC: Western Region Committee seeks to identify and cultivate union-minded leaders who can assist in improving overall communication with the western region membership through social and educational events, social media campaigns and one-on-one personal connections. In addition, all members participate in the Membership Outreach Committee addressing the needs of the membership nationwide.


• Stephanie A. Brown, Shiran C. Miller


• Fabienne Bouville, Jason C. Brotman, A.J. Catoline, Brian J. Chandler, Shannon Baker Davis, Michael L. Deis, Felise R. Epstein, James A. Farlow, Halima K. Gilliam, Sharon Smith Holley, Joshua B. Kirchmer, Robert J. Kraut, Jeremy M. Lerman, Sean Linal, Stephanie Lowry, Aziza Ngozi, Paul Overacker, Holly Sklar, Meridith Sommers, Staci E. Vice, Vanja Von Sek, David L. White, Daniel S. Williams, Isabel Yanes, Andy S. Young


• Alenis M. Balderrama, Willow B. Fortin

National Training Committee

The National Training Committee oversees budgets and training programs for the Atlanta, Los Angeles and New York offices.


• Tom Fleischman, F Hudson Miller


• Louis J. Armistead, Inez I. Czymbor, Frank A. Delgado Jr, Sharon Smith Holley, Nolan N. Jennings, David L. White


• Muneeb Hassan, Jim Turner

This committee is not currently accepting new members.

Publications Committee

The Publications Committee provides oversight of the quarterly magazine, CineMontage, and the magazine website, The Committee advises the editor on the overall editorial and advertising policies of the publication.


• A.J. Catoline


• Erik C. Andersen, Bobbi Banks, Felise R. Epstein, Halima K. Gilliam, Dorian Harris, Sean Linal, Darrin J. Quigley, Kevin D. Ross, David Ian Ian Salter, James D. Wilcox


• Serenety Balthazar, Scott E. Collins

Website Committee

The Website Committee offers oversight regarding the editorial, technological and advertising policies of the website.


• F Hudson Miller, John M. Vitale


• Erik C. Andersen, A.J. Catoline, Marian Jimenez, Robert J. Kraut, Shiran C. Miller, Staci E. Vice, David L. White


• Lisa S. Dosch

This committee is not currently accepting new members.

Young Workers Group (West)

We aim to rally the newest members of the Guild and instill within them an active, personal and long-lasting connection to our union.

We provide a welcoming and informative space for young and new members to learn their way around the business, our Guild, and their place in it. As they advance in their careers, this foundation of knowledge will ultimately lead to a much stronger and more involved membership.


• Shiran C. Miller, David L. White


• Angelica Arellano, Jason C. Brotman, Hector L. Cartagena Jr, Denise K. Chan, Michael M. Cheeves, Annie J. Cohen, Katie R. Cornblath, Inez I. Czymbor, James A. Farlow, Haruka Gerald, Sharon Smith Holley, Avo J. Kambourian, Joshua B. Kirchmer, Li Li, Alexa Maltese, Ashley N. McKinney, Sean W. Montgomery, Evelyn M. Osborn, Gavin Segall-Abrams, Jared A. Simon, Esther P. Sokolow, Alex A. Webster, Dora Wu, Isabel Yanes, Andy S. Young, Ge Zhai Wagner


• Amarilis Gutierrez

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