Learn a new skill online, on your time...
Cinedeck is excited to announce their new online training program for Cinedeck Ingest Servers. Whether you've been using Cinedeck for a while and want to refresh your knowledge, or deciding whether Cinedeck is the right ingest and playback tool for you, sign up for a free all-access pass to Cinedeck ingest.
1 - Create a User ID or Skip the login to get started.
If you want to save your progress, make sure to create a user ID. Otherwise, skip
ahead to the sections relevant to you.
2 - Review only the sections that matter to you.
There's a lot to know about Cinedeck, but you may only want to review file-naming.
Jump to that section to get started asap.
3 - Built-in Quizzes and Knowledge Assessments
Are you taking away the most salient point of training video? We've built in some
quizzes to make sure you've got this!


FFAEI has taught 100's of students world-wide the nuts and bolts of the feature assistant workflow. You can be confident about the skills you will learn as it was created by fellow guild members with over 60 combined credits on major studio films and network television shows.
And the course 100% online, so you don't have to travel anywhere to attend and you can fit it into
YOUR schedule.
You also get LIFETIME access to the material which is available 24/7/365.
Take a look at the details of our flagship course:
Feature Film Assistant Editor Immersion 1.0
In addition to the course, you'll get access to these great bonuses:
The Digital Codebook
- our battle tested Filemaker Pro database which tracks the most critical aspects of the editorial process.
Our Members Only Database
- where you can list your skills, upload your resume and let others know your qualifications.
A Private, Students Only Facebook Group
- Our growing community of like-minded aspiring professionals where you can get support and network.
So if you been thinking about learning and mastering the assistant editor's role in the feature film workflow NOW
is a great time to do it.
Let us know if you have any questions at:

Founded by 20-year film & television editing veteran Zack Arnold, ACE, Optimize Yourself provides the tools, the strategies, and the training for editors & creative professionals to be healthier, more productive, and more fulfilled in their careers.
Everyone deserves to love what they do for a living…but not at the expense of their health, their relationships, or their sanity.
Whether it’s learning better time management skills or building faster workflows, building healthier habits to become more active during an otherwise sedentary workday, or developing the necessary skills to network and build relationships with the right people to open doors and move your career forwards, Optimize Yourself provides the solutions.
To inquire about our self-guided online courses, upcoming workshops, or joining the Optimizer coaching & mentorship program, email us at contact@optimizeyourself.me.
“To get weekly updates about podcast interviews, upcoming workshops, and more → click here to join our newsletter.
Inside Hollywood's Cutting Rooms
Learn from the pros: See and hear how Hollywood post-production professionals make the most of their time and effort, by taking advantage of Adobe's essential and cutting-edge features for pro editors and assistant editors. Learn about the features in Premiere Pro that will streamline your workflow, save you time, and help you deliver exactly what you want, when you want it. Discover tips and tricks for getting the most out of Adobe's tools.