The Guild needs passionate union activists stepping up to ensure that we maintain a strong Guild presence in more post-production workplaces!
The Guild’s workgroup stewards comprise a network of grassroots leaders, representing the organization on the jobs where members work. They ensure that individual rank-and-file members know what’s happening with the larger organization and that the larger organization knows what’s happening with rank-and-file members. When contract issues arise in the workplace, stewards work with field representatives and with their coworkers to get those issues resolved. When the union has events or campaigns in which we need members participating, stewards get their coworkers involved. In short, they keep the union organized.
Are you wondering if this is a good role for you? Here are some considerations:
- If you have 9 or more coworkers who are Local 700 members, and your workgroup is fairly stable (i.e., you expect its composition to be largely unchanged in 6 months’ time), the Guild could use a steward in your workgroup. (Workgroups include groups of coworkers working in-person or remotely, and can be defined as shows, as facilities, as studios or companies, as departments within studios or companies, or any other grouping of members who share community by virtue of common employment under common management.)
- Potential Guild stewards should have the respect of their coworkers, an interest in building workers’ power, and a commitment to upholding the values of our union.
- Potential Guild stewards should read the job description of an IATSE Local 700 steward and be ready to take on those responsibilities.
If you think you would be a good fit, you can seek nomination as a workplace steward by collecting signatures from a dozen Local 700 coworkers in your workgroup on a Steward Nomination Petition. (For workgroups smaller than 13, nominees need signatures from 100% of their coworkers.) Download a petition to get started.

When you’ve collected your coworkers’ signatures, send a copy of the form to, with the subject line “Steward Nomination.”
Alternatively, you can use an online petition to collect signatures from your coworkers through the Guild website. Click here to open an Online Steward Nomination Petition.