New York
Post Holiday Party - New York Monday April 07, 2025 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Social/Networking
Los Angeles
MPEG Annual Bowling Mixer Saturday April 12, 2025 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM Social/Networking
Picture Editorial and Automation Using Python Week 5: Course Review and Q&A Session Tuesday March 25, 2025 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM (Pacific Time) 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Eastern Time) Training/Technology
Identity Theft is on the Rise how to Avoid Getting Scammed Thursday April 17, 2025 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM (Pacific Time) 9:30 PM - 11:00 PM (Eastern Time) Educational
Field Reps
Jeff Graves 323.978.1092 Send Email
Amarilis Gutierrez 323.978.1096 Send Email
Ann Hadsell 323.978.1068 Send Email
Jenny Jordan 323.978.1090 Send Email
Eric Kench 323.978.1079 Send Email
Tara Borth 332.244.8422 Send Email
For all Staff contacts, click here
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Members, click here to sign up today!
Employers, click here to register for access!
Join the organization that has been securing wages, benefits and safe working conditions for the Post Production community for over 80 years.
WHAT IS A Profile vs Resume
The My Profile area of the website allows members to display the full breadth of their careers. You may not necessarily want to list every credit or employer on a printed resume, but you can show all of your credits and/or employment history in your profile.
The information is selectively displayed to the general public. When logged in, Members can see all contact information and PDF Resumes. Prospective employers can access all information pertaining to a member’s work history.
General Public
Logged in Members
Available for Work List Prospective Employers
Contact Information
Professional Summary
PDF Resume
Employment History
At your discretion, you can also elect to not display any information, not even your name. Simply deselect “Make My Profile Public” located at the top of the My Profile section.
Members can utilize the data from their profile to quickly create a Resume using one of three templates provided by the Guild.
Credit Resume A – This template is best when highlighting credits.
Credit Resume B - This template is best when highlighting credits in addition to including a photo.
Employment History – This template is best when highlighting employment history.
With each entry, you can decide if you would like to include it in your resume download – regardless of what template you select.
No matter where you are, this ready to go resume can be created and emailed on the fly as long as you have internet access!
The Resume templates do not include a copy of the PDF Resume you may have uploaded in your profile.
When employers are using the Guild’s Available for Work List, they can query the list of available members using specified criteria. The most commonly searched fields are Skills/Systems, Specializations and Languages.
When you include other crew members in your Credits or Work History fields, this allows employers to “Search Member’s Network.” If employers can connect you to someone they know, it may help get a referral and provide a comfort level in contacting you.
The PDF Resumes are not available to the general public as it may contain personal and/or private information. This document will only be accessible by other members and prospective employers. Currently, these documents are not searchable using the Available for Work List features.
If you choose to only upload a PDF of your resume, it is strongly suggested that you also complete the Skills/Systems, Specializations, and Languages fields as well.