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Los Angeles Fire Relief

For members seeking information, relief resources, or opportunities to help, we’ve compiled these resources. Please stay safe.

IATSE: Los Angeles Fires Relief and Response

IATSE’s Walsh, DiTolla, Spivak Foundation
Local 700 Hardship Relief Fund (administered by ECF)

Give to the Local 700 Hardship Relief Fund



Cinemontage Cover VOLUME 14 No4 Q1 2025 is now available to view and download!

Click here to view this issue

Guild and labor news, technology tips, member interviews and feature stories about all things post production.

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CineMontage Magazine has a lineage of almost 40 years as the Journal of the Motion Picture Editors Guild, publishing stories about its members working in the many crafts of the post-production industry. CineMontage is mailed quarterly to over 10,000 members, both active and retired, as well as to film schools and post-production facilities in the entertainment industry.

Charles Kramer, ACE - Picture Editor

Where are you currently employed?

I work freelance through my editing and documentary production studio in Culver City, Chakravision Productions Inc. (“Chakra” is an abbreviation of my first/last name and “vision” is short for television. I am not a yoga master.)


Current projects?

I’m editing and producing esteemed director Jon Avnet’s first documentary feature about American Ballet Theatre’...

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